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Moeraki DOC

Main Moeraki DOC Moeraki Completion of the new information hut for locals and tourists with the pathway leading to the entrance JDBuilders


Working closely with Ngāi Tahu and its Te Rūnanga o Moeraki branch and the Department of Conservation (DOC), JD Builders was honoured to be asked to build the new information hut for tourists and locals at Moeraki Beach.

The vision was to create a Pā guiding the visitor forward on their journey of discovery. The word pā can refer to any Māori village or defensive settlement, but often refers to hillforts – fortified settlements with palisades and defensive terraces – and also to fortified villages.

Project scope:

Posts were supplied and cut using a chainsaw to create a naturalistic rustic feel. The path was created to be inviting for tourists and develop a sense of mystery. A hut was to be built, along with the walls being able to display information for the tourists.

Photo Credit: Jeffrey Dennison Builders

1 Moeraki DOC Moeraki Zooming in on the piles for the visitors hut with the JDBuilders sign on the left and safety tape in the foreground to stop visitors walking through this area JDBuilders
2 Moeraki DOC Moeraki View from the carpark, showing all the piles for the palisades and visitors hut in the background with safety tape in the foreground blocking off this area JDBuilders
5 Moeraki DOC Moeraki Piles for new information hut and palisades with bracing whilst the concrete hardens JDBuilders
3 Moeraki DOC Moeraki Close up of the trailer with materials, keeping the site tidy so there are no trip hazards for visitors and staff alike JDBuilders
4 Moeraki DOC Moeraki Close up of the piles for new palisades giving the feeling of a Maori Pa JDBuilders
7 Moeraki DOC Moeraki Coming back from the beach along the winding path towards the new information hut being constructed and the carpark JDBuilders
8 Moeraki DOC Moeraki Path leading to the beautiful beach with the sea in the distance JDBuilders
6 Moeraki DOC Moeraki Area where new information hut is to, close up of JDBuilders sign, area taped off to stop visitors walking through this section of the beach JDBuilders
9 Moeraki DOC Moeraki Amazing view of the beach and sea JDBuilders